Short Books, Profound Stories (Part 1)

This is the first of a two part post in which I share some of the best books I have read. Like many busy people I am always short on time. And because I don't have time, I have a bias towards short books that make an impact . I have come to learn that if an author cannot get it done in 350 pages or less he doesn't want me to read his work. The following randomly ordered titles are enthusiastically recommended--each has made an impact on my life and many are now classics (or rapidly getting there). Enjoy. 1. The Book of Sand and Shakespeare's Memory - Jorge Luis Borges I am not sure what translation this is, so I will recommend the Penguin Classics Paperback (the one with the Maurits Cornelis Escher's art on the cover). Incredibly deep and through provoking, these short stories show Borges is truly "the writer's writer". And guess what, I bought this for light reading ...